Selection Methodology

Our Selection Methodology prefer to work with Clients Methodology within existing projects however in case of none, We develop our own Selection Methodology steps to ensure smooth functioning order and complete the task efficiently considering and keeping Clients Views and Job demand.

Step One

We make thorough understanding and job detailing with our client, explaining our Role and expectation of AKU and Client. We make blue print of all Clients projects identifying goals & successful achievement of Projects.

Step Two

We conduct an explanation session with all project related persons deeply analyzing the environment. Requirements determination to mark out the full requirements and expectations for the solution. Risk analysis and process of management Practice and system.

Step Three

Once the process completed, AKU moves into PRACTICAL MODE . We find the Best quality candidates after fully ascertaining and understanding Scenario.

Step Four

The AKU implementation process Training and documentation . The most important parts in the Deployment phase include the Initial Deployment process and the performance. Keep observing and Interaction with Client and Candidate for proper configuration.